In 2014 I did a couple of 5k runs and got a bike. In 2015 I trained for various events, both cycling and running. In 2016 I am setting myself goals, big goals for me.
On 1st January I had a blank page of a 365 page book and I intend to write a good one! I don’t want my goals to just be a January 1st kind of thing and will set them weekly and monthly if necessary so that I am always moving forward and always trying to progress.
I saw a quote online that said ‘It’s hard to get fit, but it’s harder to look at the mirror and dislike what you see’. I am still on my journey and I am hoping that by the end of 2016 that quote won’t apply to me. I have said before I may not be the best or the quickest but I try my hardest!
So my 2016 Goals are:
- Complete 25 Park Runs – this may not sound like a lot but I am signed up to a lot of events and some of those on Park Run days.
- Work on my pace when running and take time to complete slower recovery runs – my runs are always at the same pace and I am trying to go slower to increase my distance and then can work on speed if I want.
- Take part in a team effort of the 24 hour Spitfire Scramble run – a 24 hour run completing a 10k loop (just under) in turns over the 24 hour period with an amazing group of ladies.
- Achieve a sub hour 10k – I have done it once but when out running with the dog and as I have to stop to let her on and off the lead and pick up after her (thought that was the nicest way of putting that) it would be nice to achieve this at an actual event.
- Achieve a sub 27 minute 5k.
- Complete my first half marathon.
- Complete my first duathlon.
- Complete a 100 mile ride in sub 5 and a half hours.
- Complete Newcastle to London bike ride in 24 hours – 311 miles with two lovely ladies and a lot of chamois cream!
- Increase my Functional Threshold Power (FTP) to 200.
- Complete my first Spartan obstacle race.
- Get back to Nuclear Races for their obstacle races (which are awesome).
- Improve my upper body strength and be able to do more than just 2 monkey bars!
- Not be so scared of the weights section of the gym and use it to tone up as I lose more weight.
- Lose my final 28lbs – actually 30lbs as I put on 2lbs over christmas I just found out with my first weigh in (happy new year).
- Enjoy the events I sign up for and celebrate finishing rather than always being hung up on finishing times.
- Be proud of myself and what I have achieved.
- Learn how my technical gadgets work so I don’t have to keep bugging the hubby.
Here’s to a year of better habits, positive thinking, clean eating and most of all loving myself! This Girl Can!
Lots of great goals. It’ll be fun ticking them all off one by one 🙂
My goal is to have your level of drive and commitment!!
I should also add to get rid of my spare tyre that is fully on display in every race photo I have!