I’ve been pretty quiet I know and there have not been the regular blog posts as usual and there is a reason.
I’ve been sulking. It’s not that classy. My funk well and truly wrapped its arms around me after slapping me in the face with a rather lengthy weight loss plateau.
So as you know I had a pretty nasty fall from my bike on my main event for this year and ended up unconscious and surrounded by a fire engine, ambulance and police cars.
It knocked me pretty badly and that combined with the toddler tantrum mood I was in was not a good mix. Up until that point most weeks I was training 5-6 times per week. Following my fall I was sore and achy and gave myself a rest break which ended up being quite an extended break. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had a few events here and there but my training went down to once or twice a week if that.
Before then I was also strict with my food but found myself being easily convinced to have a take away if offered and the 1, 2, 3 glasses of wine.
I was full of excuses I tried to justify as reasons I was letting it all slip.
At the end of the day I am still on my journey and I have 24lbs left to lose. Well during my funk I also hadn’t weighed myself and I felt uncomfortable so I knew when I did I wouldn’t be happy with the number that I was going to see and I was right. I had put on 10lbs! That is a lot! Pick up a 10lb dumb bell at the gym, several bags of sugar, a sack of potatoes – you get the hint! It’s like having an extra limb! I am not being brave and putting this in a blog post I am doing it quite selfishly to accept my accountability for it and make me turn it around.
I am getting back to it now and instead of thinking I’ve put on a hideous 10lbs over two months I am thinking that I have still lost 50lbs and that is the equivalent of a small bale of hay which is massive! So the goal posts have just changed and so now I have 34lbs left that I want to lose.
It would be easy for me to beat myself up (which I have already done) but I am just going to get back on track. I messed up my diet, I didn’t exercise as much as I should have. No one died. I’ve still got this. I did it before and I can do it again.
My desire to change is greater than my desire to remain the same.
I started back on my bike but shorter rides that I will admit were painful and I was nervous but I did it at my pace.
I’ve started running again and although it feels extremely hard I’m doing it. A bad run is better than no run after all, even if I do sound like Darth Vader from the moment I start to the moment I finish.
I’ve gone back to spin classes and I am leaving with a red sweaty tomato faced self as usual and loving it.
Most exciting is that I have signed up for a new six week fitness regime that started last night but I will leave that for another post to explain more about it.
Keep going, you are a great role model, very human, most of us go through these ups and downs. You are doing great!