I am trying to make a conscious effort to drink more water because well its good for you. Though I am fairly certain anyone who knows me will probably think I am just glugging down neat vodka. It is not though it is water, I swear with no fingers crossed or nothing! It is crazy how much you should drink a day and how little I did drink (unless of course I was at the gym then I do drain the bottle). This is quite dangerous for me as I have the bladder of a 90 year old woman.
I have a new water bottle you see. I kept seeing pics of flavour infused water and so got me one of them there bottles – its fancy! Well its not really it just has a gizmo in the middle to put stuff to infuse the water with the flavour. Loads of benefits too, take lemon water for example it gives your immune system a boost, is an excellent source of potassium, aids digestion, cleanses your system, freshens your breath, keeps skin blemish free, helps with weight loss, reduces inflammation, gives an energy boost, helps to cut out caffeine and fights viral infections.
So far I have had lemon, lime, strawberry and mint, and kiwi – all very nice. Though I do admit – having lemon and lime with no gin is slightly alien to me. Bottle can be found on amazon. The water bottle that is (the gin can be found in any local supermarket – you’re welcome).
Yesterday marked the final day in my plank challenge – 31 days of pure core workouts, 31 days of physical body shaking, 31 days where I log into the app on my phone and look at what the time has increased to and think I have read it wrong. In the end it was up to 5 minutes and I must admit I could not do that. The max I could do was 3 minutes, a very wriggly 3 minutes but I would pause for 10 seconds and then continue and I am happy with that. Today begins the squat challenge, started with 30 squats today – let’s do this!
We also give Chris some stick as our gym instructor and so on Tuesday he decided he would participate in the circuit training class. Well sort of. Chris took his time ‘helping’ at numerous points during the class. Helping with the music, helping other people in the class, helping by going to get equipment. So we took this opportunity to mock him further though there was no vest this week and so the vest mocking was out. He got his own back when at the end we had to do a 5 minutes 30 second plank in various poses. He must be mad! Also quite fresh from his lack of activity during the class. As shown below in the various pics I took of him – doing nothing.
I do of course joke he is our favourite gym instructor and very good but we do love to joke with him!
I finish with a huge thank you to everyone who reads my little old blog about this fat girl getting fit and trying to lose weight. On Monday, largely thanks to my husband, I had my highest every number of views (over 500) across a load of countries! Shucks! You guys!
I shall celebrate by eating an entire vienetta! I am joking obviously…….or am I?